Google has many tools available for your website, but which one(s) are right for you?

Confused which Google property you’ll want to integrate with your website? You might want to register for them all. Confused about the differences? We’ll summarize them and provide links for quick access.

Google Analytics – View important statistics/analytics from your website
Google Webmaster Tools – A MUST for all website owners and web masters
Google AdWords – The leader of PPC advertising
Google AdSense – An easy and fast way to monetize your websites
Google Drive – Documents online, word processor, spreadsheet and presentations

Google Analytics

Analytics is a powerful tool for monitoring and analyzing your website analytics including traffic and visitor patterns.

Google Analytics not only lets you measure sales and conversions, but also gives you fresh insights into how visitors use your site, how they arrived on your site, and how you can keep them coming back.

Google Webmaster Tools

Webmaster tools is a must-have for all websites and webmasters to use. Get instant access to view search queries, page errors, malware warnings, links to your website, and much more.

Additional webmaster tools to use: Bing

Google AdWords

If you are you looking for instant traffic to your website and are willing to pay for that traffic, then Google AdWords may be right for you. Create a campaign, choose your keywords and the amount you are willing to pay for each click, and you’re ready to go.

There are are two major methods to driving search traffic to your website, organic and paid. AdWords is the paid version, also known as Pay Per Click or PPC.  While starting a new PPC campaign is actually quite easy, it actually takes a lot of time and experience to optimize your efforts properly.

Google AdSense

Use AdSense to display advertisements on your website using different media, including text, image, video and rich media. One of the most popular methods for web owners to monetize their traffic-building efforts.

Google Drive

Online document suite allowing you document creation, editing and sharing in the cloud!